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Root Checker
Created by joeykrim
Root Checker

Android version
Team note
8 / 10
Users note
8 / 10
about 0
1 Mo
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Team review

" Check a proper root. "

The application has not yet detailed description, however the team assigned the note of 8 / 10. This note is based on the following criteria: Quality, Usefulness, Ease of Use, Privacy Concerns of user data (depending on the permissions required)..

The app is compatible with most Android devices running on.

Its weight is very light, less than a megabyte is sufficient to store and operate.

Its number of downloads in the Android Market (Google Play) is quite low. The application is either new, or limited to a specific area that only a few users are interested in.

User reviews

20 users have given their review on Root Checker.

Positive review As described by anonym
Just a root checker, works well 5/5
Positive review So useful! by anonym
does what it says! thx Joey Krim! 5/5
Positive review Awesome by anonym
I finally know if i have root 5/5
Positive review Root Checker by anonym
Very useful. Does the job as advertised. 4/5
Positive review Worked well! by anonym
Verified that I had root access on my S3. 5/5
Positive review Simple by anonym
Yes it no solution, simple 5/5
Positive review Good stuff by anonym
Does what it says on the tin. Thanks! 4/5
Positive review Very awesome. by anonym
It helped with rooting my tablet 5/5
Negative review Not working by anonym
I rooted but it still says "device does not have proper root access." Very frustrating.. 1/5
Negative review by anonym
Didn't work with my LG G2 1/5
Negative review It is fake! by anonym
Its totally fake! I haven't rooted my device still says it is successfully rooted!!! What rubbish!!!! 1/5
Positive review True to what it says by anonym
Good app for checking root status on your device. 5/5
Positive review by anonym
The best app ever...its perfoms more than what the developers tell us. ......if a 10star was there l would give them.... 5/5
Negative review Worse.. by anonym
Whats the point of Installing app if u need pro version. ...worse idea of selling pro version. ... 1/5
Negative review by anonym
It is saying how my nexus 5 doesn't have proper root access,but my cousin has the same phone as me and its has worked for him but not for me so please fix it. 1/5
Positive review Problem after update. by anonym
After this update the apps keeps saying my device Xperia Z1 (C6943) is mot rooted, beside it is. 4/5
Positive review Truthsmessenger LG Optimus L70 4G by anonym
Awesome app!! Verified the root on an supposed unrootable Android Smartphone!! Hahaha 5/5
Positive review Thanks by anonym
Everybody it works u just need to install something for full root. Cause if dont work than u dont have full root. U just have root. But now it works on me cause I got full root. So thanks creator for this app it is very helpfull 5 stars 5/5
Neutral review This happen by anonym
Sorry this device does not have proper root access... (I am using Samsung s3 mini GT-I8190 android 4.1.2 please give some solution... 3/5
Positive review Noobs giving shit ratings by anonym
This app is great but you won't need it if you have su installed 5/5

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Required permissions on the device

To work, the app requires access to the following device functions :
